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    EIT Climate-KIC
  • YEAR:


We participated in the Sensemaking‘s project, organized by EIT in Bologna. EIT is an agency that supports people, cities, regions and industries to foster innovation and sustainable transformation. The workshop tested our skills as facilitators in a project that aimed to create lasting connections among those present and catalyze change through the spreading of new sustainable perspectives.

Connection Sensemaking


The event lasted two days. We made a handmade scribing in real time of the interactions. Participants, divided into working groups, discussed the hot topics of sustainability and the importance of information. In particular, how to increase the motivation of stakeholders and partners through engagement on social media, which has become a valuable tool for community involvement.

In the scribe we put together the results of group thinking and fruitful visions that came up on one board. The discussion led to new solutions, perspectives and collaborations that were unexpected, but most importantly, fun.


At the end of the activities, the scribing on panels came to life digitally for ease of diffusion. We highlighted with summarizing scribes the starting and ending points. At the beginning of the activity, the desired change was clear, but the path was not well distinguished. With our syntheses, we made clear all the steps and best practices to be adopted. In the end, the groups parted amicably. In their backpacks fresh inspiration to take on the challenges for the future with a new mindset.

Highlights  Sensemaking
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