WMF! Regione Puglia
CLIENT:Regione Puglia
We actively participated in the Regione Puglia stand at We Make Future 2023. The Yobi Crew was called to make a difference: we assisted the Regione Puglia‘s team in discussing the future of innovation, discovering new companies and highlighting participatory activities that are contributing to the growth of their region. We tried to bring a breath of fresh air within the debate among stakeholders, pushing forward engagement.

The voice of their territory was concretized by digital scribes, made in real time inside the stand. Proposals for innovation include a common involvement: putting the region’s identity first in order to engage and promote conscious growth, innovating through making connections, and incentivizing new generations with measures to accompany them into the future. Our lens highlighted the connections between things and people and with the environment. Community is territory, sharing different points of view. To create the city of the future is to involve people first and foremost; Puglia does this through Pugliapartecipa, a tool that civic entities provide for citizens and that speaks mostly about them.

Puglia is a land of talent and creativity, and we are proud to have narrated this exciting evolution. Collaborating with Regione Puglia for us, is a tangible sign of how the union between the public and private sectors can generate extraordinary results. We worked hard to make our presence at We Make Future a memorable experience: in the Puglia Valley, ideas meet, connections are formed and inspiration spreads, thanks to participation. Sometimes all it takes is a little push to do great things!